Tuan-Anh Tran

jekyll full-text search without jQuery or plugin

Posted on August 8, 2014  •  1 minutes  • 201 words

I did a quick search for full-text search solutions for jekyll (or any static websites). A notable fews have come up in search result:

A quick look at the plugin’s dependency, I give up right away even though I only need that on search page. For the very same reason I opted for jekyll - a static site generator, I want my site to load as fast as possible. Adding a bunch of dependencies like that is against the purpose. I rather go for DuckDuckGo as I’m currently doing.

Dependencies for the jQuery plugin are as follows.

  • jQuery
  • lunr.js
  • Mustache.js
  • date.format.js
  • URI.js


Too bad the service is no longer available .


The most decent service I found so far. You sign up, add your feed URL so that the service can start indexing your website, add jQuery and tapir.js and you’re good to go.

Search API:


tapir.js looks like a pretty short and simple js file. Adding jQuery dependency on it, is totally overkill.

Exercise for next week: I’m going to replace DuckDuckGo search with Tapir’s search in a few days once I’m done converting Tapir’s jQuery plugin to a pure js solution.

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